Summer Program:
- During the summer, 上进学员可以参加我们免费的三部分学术和住宿课程.
- 首先是我们的大学闪电战之夜,这是一个让所有新生了解大学和职业的机会. During this orientation, 向上的工作人员来到您当地的皇冠365官方app校园,提供有趣和信息丰富的研讨会,旨在启动您的大学准备之路.
- 接下来是四天的大学之旅,每个学生在高中毕业前至少有资格参加一次. 在这次旅行中,学生们将有机会参观加州不同地区的多种类型的大学校园,并参加一些有趣的文化活动. This trip is reserved for students in the 11th grade, if we have extra space available we will offer some spots to 10th grade students.
- 最后是为期5周的学术住宿计划,该计划向所有参与者开放. 这将于2024年6月23日至7月25日在加利福尼亚州尤里卡的皇冠365官方app举行.
By "academic,我们的意思是,参与者参加的课程要么是大学课程,要么是由“向上跳跃”组织的课程. 学生可以从各种各样丰富的课程中进行选择,这些课程旨在提高在高中取得成功和向大学过渡所必需的技能. We offer classes in Composition, Literature, Math, Lab Science, Foreign Languages, Computers, and other subjects. Our classes help participants earn elective credit at their high schools. They may also enroll in College of the Redwoods classes when they are available.
我们还为刚毕业的高中学生提供暑期桥梁项目,帮助他们过渡到大学生活. 这些参与者参加大学课程,并在校园里从事勤工俭学的工作. They may also reside in the dorms and take part in a Residential Advisor Internship.
Participants learn a great deal about college over the course of the summer. They also work with mentors who are currently in college. Many of our mentors were Upward Bound participants in high school.
今年,我们有一个令人兴奋的新组成部分,它将允许无法参加暑期课程的学生参加在线课程,并且仍然能够获得一些高中选修学分. We will have more information soon, but you can contact our office if you have any immediate questions.