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Pelican Bay Scholars

Pelican Bay Scholars


About Us

鹈鹕湾学者项目始于2015年,为加州北部偏远地区的囚犯提供面对面的大学课程. 学生可以获得行为和社会科学AA文科学位,并完成所需的通用电气课程,有资格转学到加州州立大学.

CR致力于为我们的鹈鹕湾学生提供高质量的大学课程, 这些服务反映了学生在校园里所能得到的服务:获得教科书和课程材料, transcript evaluation, academic counseling, career planning, transfer assistance, and statewide college networking.

The Students

鹈鹕湾学者的学生团体由专注的学生组成,他们作为学习者茁壮成长, are engaged, hard-working, respectful and eager to access higher education opportunities.


The Partnership

鹈鹕湾学者项目是通过皇冠365官方app与加州大学洛杉矶分校之间的积极互惠关系而成为可能的, the student scholars and Pelican Bay State Prison.


鹈鹕湾学者计划提供了一个空间来解决扫盲差距,并在一个促进合作的学习环境中提供高质量的教育机会, individuality, capability and empowerment; to support students in leading meaningful and productive lives inside and outside of prison; and to provide education that boosts economic vitality for students as contributors and leaders within their communities.

Del Norte_Pelican Bay Scholars

Success & Retention

Success and retention

Education Changes Lives.

这不仅适用于外面的人,也适用于囚犯——尤其是囚犯. We come from circumstances where education was either not an option; for most of us, 我们唯一担心的是能否生存下来. 最具讽刺意味的是,正是由于缺乏教育,我们才会认为自己别无选择.

Prison is one of the most hopeless places; for those of us who face lengthy sentences, even more so. We all made mistakes that led us to where we are. But now that we are here, what comes next? Certainly, there is more to life than to sit idly in his cell and waste away, but for many years, we had no hope of doing more. 我们没有任何东西告诉我们,我们仍然有可能过上富有成效的生活. All we had were long suppressed dreams of what could have been.

Education however changed this kind of thinking. It not only gave us knowledge, it transformed our perspectives. 它帮助我们认识到一个更美好的未来的可能性,我们仍然可以为社会做出一些实质性的贡献."

-Brian Yang/Pelican Bay Scholar

Program Highlights

  • 2021年秋季,28名院长名单和50名总统荣誉名单学生
  • 在鹈鹕湾州立监狱的两个四级监狱和一个二级监狱服刑.
  • Students enroll in 1-5 courses (3-17.5 units) each semester.


  • 个性化的教育规划,经济援助和大学转学准备援助.
  • A hands-on learning environment with materials and support labs.
  • 在学习环境中成为领导者的机会.
  • 与嘉宾演讲的研讨会,以联系和了解职业, overcoming barriers, 大学转学和适当的专业环境参与.

Course Offerings:

AJ 1: Intro to Administration of Justice

ART 1A: Art History: Pre-History to Gothic
ART 1B: Art History: Renaissance to Contemporary
ART 4: Art Appreciation

ANTH 1: Biological Anthropology
ANTH 1B: Biological Anthropology Lab
ANTH 3: Cultural Anthropology

ASTRO 10: Intro to Astronomy

BIOL 1: General Biology w/Lab
BIOL 27: Biology of Marine Mammals

BUS 10: Intro to Business
BUS 52: Business Communications
BUS 68: Intro to Management

COMM 1: Public Speaking
COMM 2: Introduction to Communication Theory
COMM 7: Interpersonal Communication

DRAMA 24: Intro to Theatre

ENVSC 12: Earth's Changing Climate

EDUC 220: Career and College Foundations
GS 1: College Success
GS 6: First Year Experience
GUID 8: Career Planning
GUID 205: Supervised Tutoring
MATH 252: Math Support Lab
WORK 201: Work Readiness Skills

ENGL 1A: Analytical Reading and Writing
ENGL 1B: Critical Inquiry and Literature
ENGL 1L: English Support Lab
ENGL 1S: English Support Lab
ENGL 4: Why Literature Matters
ENGL 17: American Literature
ENGL 18: American Literature II
ENGL 32: Creative Writing: Poetry
ENGL 33: Creative Writing
ENGL 36: Literary Magazine Publication
ENGL 102: Developing Reading and Writing
ENGL 150: Precollegiate Reading and Writing

GEOL 10: Environmental Geology

HIST 8: US History through Reconstruction
HIST 9: US History Reconstruction-Present 
HIST 20: World History I

MATH 15: Intro to Statistics
MATH 15L: Intro to Statistics Support Lab
MATH 15S: Intro to Statistics Support Lab

MUS 10: Music in History

PHIL 2: Intro to Political Philosophy
PHIL 10: Intro to Philosophy
PHIL 15: Religions of the World

POLSC 1: Political Controversies
POLSC 10: US Government and Politics

PSYCH 1: General Psychology
PSYCH 11: strong>Lifespan Development
PSYCH 30: Social Psychology
PSYCH 33: Personal Growth and Adjustment

Read 260: Developing Literacy

SWHS 1: Intro to Social Work & Human Services

SOC 1: Intro to Sociology
SOC 2: Social Problems
SOC 5: Intro to Race & Ethnic Relations
SOC 34: Intro to Social Work

Sections and Staff


2019 Graduates


David Nguyen
My parents always wanted me and my siblings to pursue education. Because there were so few opportunities back in Vietnam, 他们认为住在美国能给我们更好的生活机会. 有一段时间,我父母的梦想似乎只是一个梦想. 

我在2015年秋天开始了我的旅程,作为少数几个开始CR的鹈鹕湾学者试点项目的学生之一, and I’ve watched it grow from a tentative one class a semester to a full-fledged college program that runs yearlong; classes are begin offered from morning to night and students now have the privilege of taking on full schedules, if they choose to. It’s this choice that gives the real college experience; it’s this choice that makes us feel like we’re no longer prisoners, but actual students. 我记得有很多个晚上,我和我的朋友K会走回单位,谈论我们所学到的一切,以及如果我们继续利用CR提供的东西,我们的未来会是什么样子的可能性. 



Larry Vickers

Education has always been an aspiration of mine. I believe that for one to do better they have to know better. 

For me, 我小时候进过监狱,这让我不得不忍受自己做过的错误选择, among them was dropping out of school. 通过CR鹈鹕湾学者项目获得了我的副学士学位,这是一个千载难逢的机会. 行为和社会科学的学位不仅给了我把自己变成一个更好的人所需要的工具,也让我能够为我的家庭做出积极的贡献, community and society as a whole. 这是我通过教育实现康复的一个高潮. 凭借我在攻读学位期间所获得的知识,我确信我离开监狱时不会是一个罪犯,而是一个有目标的受过大学教育的人,我永远感激这一特权!




During the Spring 2016 semester 21 students enrolled in the first “for credit” course; as of Fall 2019, 超过300名学生参加了40门课程中的一门或多门课程.

As of the Spring 2022 semester, 该计划继续为400多名学生提供服务,并颁发了94个副学士学位.



Contact Us

Contact Information

 Rory Johnson, MA


 Tory Eagles, CR Pelican Bay Scholars Manager


 883 W. Washington Blvd., Crescent City, CA 95531
Facebook & Instagram

  2023 College of the Redwoods