Education Changes Lives.
这不仅适用于外面的人,也适用于囚犯——尤其是囚犯. We come from circumstances where education was either not an option; for most of us, 我们唯一担心的是能否生存下来. 最具讽刺意味的是,正是由于缺乏教育,我们才会认为自己别无选择.
Prison is one of the most hopeless places; for those of us who face lengthy sentences, even more so. We all made mistakes that led us to where we are. But now that we are here, what comes next? Certainly, there is more to life than to sit idly in his cell and waste away, but for many years, we had no hope of doing more. 我们没有任何东西告诉我们,我们仍然有可能过上富有成效的生活. All we had were long suppressed dreams of what could have been.
Education however changed this kind of thinking. It not only gave us knowledge, it transformed our perspectives. 它帮助我们认识到一个更美好的未来的可能性,我们仍然可以为社会做出一些实质性的贡献."
-Brian Yang/Pelican Bay Scholar